With over two decades of experience in the Calgary Real Estate market, Lily is known for results. She has consistently been a top performer in all market conditions for good reason.
Lily is known first and foremost for her customer service, a skill she perfected as the owner of “Lok Tao” one of Calgary’s most respected restaurants. Many customers of Lok Tao, became real estate clients, knowing Lily would do her utmost to make sure the sale or purchase of their family home would be the best experience possible.
Lily volunteers with Soroptimist International of Calgary, and strongly believes in the importance of giving back to the community. She is known for her loving, warm spirit, honesty, and generosity.
In always striving to not just meet but to exceed the needs of her clients and her willingness to go the extra mile to do a superior job, Lily is “KNOWN FOR SERVICE … RESPECTED FOR RESULTS”.